Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Watch What You Read UP-DATE

Yes I have a new M43 camera. So I that that I would look for some Why M43 camera. I didn't get far. The first, and maybe my last, article didn't show a published date in the header. Ok not a big deal I thought. Wrong. The author started to give the usually favorable comments, weight, 2x crop, ... Then the negatives., Lack of lens line up, slow auto focus, low light ability, noise, ...

But wait, there are a lot of lenses, not as many as Nikon, Cannon, Tamron, Sigma to be sure. Low light ability to be sure, noise ok I'll give you that.

I stopped reading because I don't see many of the shortcomings in my OM-D E-M5 iii, and he started discussing Olympus OM-D. I skipped to the end to see if his review had a date. He didn't, the comments were closed and the last comment was 2013. 

Seven years is a long time in camera years. Most, maybe all previously shortcomings have been eliminated except ISO performance and bokeh. But do you really need that?

So when you look at a review make sure it is current.

Bard, Google AI, doesn't always get it correct but in this case I think it is. I've seen FB posts that are dated regarding photography. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Eye Glasses Photo Glare

In viewing some Photoshop/Lightroom/Photography Facebook groups or pages in seen several "... How do I fix ..." posts. This causes me wonder, why didn't you fix it when you took the image. Yes we all make mistakes in composition, exposure and similar.

Some things are difficult or time consuming to correct in post. Les, Randy and others have said something like, "you are responsible to all that's in the frame".

Basically we need to slow down when we compose our scene. Look for unwanted reflection's, glare, litter, signs, weird, etc.

Ok Larry what brings this on? Glasses glare/reflection's in a post where the question was how do I fix it in PS?

To me the real question is, how do I eliminate glare/reflection's. Of course Google has answers. Here's on, and this for fixing Transitions shading,

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Olympus Bracketing

I have an OM-D E-M5 iii and was playing with Bracketing, menu, camera 2, Bracketing. There are several choices and I tried. ART BKT. Turning that option allows you to choose the ART filter to apply when you take a shot.

This results in a raw, SF jpg, and each ART choice jpg image.

That's a cool thing.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Olympus OM-D in camera processing

I just learned a feature in my OM-D cameras. Well not so amazing really. Since all sensors record a raw data file. But new to me is I took an image, M/auto ISO, and then processed in camera a JPEG using an art filter. Kind-a-cool. No need to change the mode dial. Just select the RAW image and apply the settings. I chose the are filter but I could have selected to adjust, wb, exp, shadow, bright, ...

Then upload to my phone and get