But wait, there are a lot of lenses, not as many as Nikon, Cannon, Tamron, Sigma to be sure. Low light ability to be sure, noise ok I'll give you that.
I stopped reading because I don't see many of the shortcomings in my OM-D E-M5 iii, and he started discussing Olympus OM-D. I skipped to the end to see if his review had a date. He didn't, the comments were closed and the last comment was 2013.
Seven years is a long time in camera years. Most, maybe all previously shortcomings have been eliminated except ISO performance and bokeh. But do you really need that?
So when you look at a review make sure it is current.
Bard, Google AI, doesn't always get it correct but in this case I think it is. I've seen FB posts that are dated regarding photography.