Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tips and Techniques from Olympus

These links are from an email I received from Olympus. Many are not specific to Olympus cameras. The camera does not make the photo you do.

Friday, December 11, 2020

As long as it works

Most photographers don't care how it works as long as it does. But an understanding of a digital camera and it's sensor helps us understanding the strengths and limitations. It will provide understanding of the RAW vs. JPEG argument.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Why Exposure Compensation in Manual?

For a few months I have been shooting in M, Manual, usually action, birds. I want to control the DOF and freeze motion. Since the light may be changing I use auto ISO.

So I've wondered what's the use of my exposure compensation, (+/- ) button. So i assigned it to do another function.

Wow, a wrong choice. I follow Robin Wong to learn things about my Oly. Spoiler, basically I now use exposure compensation when in manual made with auto ISO. View this video to know why

Sunday, December 6, 2020

I'm new to (fill in the blank) I just ...

It's not mine to reason ...
(Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die.

But why we, well some, get some shiny item then purchase accessories that they don't know to use or fit.

For example, "Hi, I’m fairly new to photography and have an Olympus E-M10 Mark II camera, I just purchased a secondhand lens ..." That doesn't work likely the wrong mount.

The message is understand your equipment before you accessory. For cameras learn its capabilities and photography. Better photos is not paved by gear. Learn the craft then you will learn the gear you can actually use or need.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Susan Molnar Christmas card.

I met Susan Molnar a few years ago. Well we've never met face to face we are both members of Laura Shoe's help group on Facebook.

Susan is a photographer and artist in Sarasota Florida and I asked her permission to share this wonderful Christmas card she created.
  Thanks Susan.

Here's the back story on the photo "Every year, I go through the year's photos looking for inspiration for making a custom Christmas card.  For this year's Christmas card, I used a photo I took from my balcony of a Supermoon setting over the Gulf of Mexico early one morning.  In Photoshop, I used a sky replacement for the starry sky, added a Sun Star Overlay at the top, added the manger scene clipart over the moon, and added the Christmas Bible verse text.  I made several versions; one with our personal greetings at the bottom, one with my business greeting at the bottom, one with the Bible verse only (shown here), and one with no verse.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (and hopefully a much better New Year) to Laura and all the other fantastic photographers and artists contributing to this FB page!  You have all made 2021 a much better year by sharing your creativity and knowledge!
Click on the photo to enlarge it so you can read the text."

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Using Lightroom presets one, well 3 ways.

 In our Photoclub, local private group, meeting today we discussed creating LR Presets and using them. There was a discussion on why and how to use and this link is a follow-up .

Enjoy and remember presets are a starting point and not the final result.