Sunday, November 29, 2020

Why Worry? It's the Ratio that's why!

Why Worry about your cameras aspect ratio? In my digital darkroom I can crop to any desired ratio. Why Worry?


It looks good on my device doesn't it. Yes it does but it may not print, on your chosen media, what you expected.

It's all about the aspect ratio. My camera sensor has a 4:3 ratio. Yours may be 3:2. The most common printing size is 8x10, 4:5 which didn't fit either.

So why Worry? Because when you compose your image and don't allow for the chosen crop the print may be too close to the frame. So worry about it.

Most modern cameras allow you to choose a ratio. In my Olympus camera I can choose a 1:1. When I review it on the cameras LCD display I see a light white 1:1 frame so I know my print wouldn't chop off important parts.

I use the RAW image so the sensor image is the native ratio not a jpeg crop display.

 Just another reason to use RAW.

This is a good discussion.

I have added this from my facebook Larry's Photography group, 
Camera aspect ratio and your desired print ratio should be considered in your composition. These articles may help.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Lightroom Print

I had used Photoshop to create a photo with frame and text for publishing photos to instagram and FB. It was more time consuming. 

Working on another project my friend Randy suggesting using the Print module to do that project. During that project I began to think about my Photoshop frame and text. Easy least. My choice, not as elegant using Photoshop allows me to leverage the Lightroom Library metadata.

My result makes use of the Title, Caption and other metadata. Instructions to create your Template

Following is an example of a photo.

Since I haven't figured out how to, yet, add a link to the template make a comment in this post and include your email and say you want the template.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I Learned Something New Today

It seems like I learn something each day I use my camera. Usually I use Mannual mode but today I decided to try Aperture priority mode. I was doing a shoot during an outdoor tent covered event starting slightly before golden hour to just before blue hour. Challenging lighting conditions.

I thought flash might be useful in back light situations. So I attached the flash and ass-u-med it was working. It wasn't but I didn't take time to figure it out. Well I found that flash will not fire when using electronic shutter. Lesson 1.

When using Manual mode the front dial adjusts Aperture and the rear  dial adjusts the shutter speed. However when using Aperture or Shutter priority the front dial adjusts exposure compensation while the rear dial adjust the Aperture or Shutter speed respectfully. Lesson 2 I don't need to press the stupid exposure comp button.

Save Your Camera Settings

I have an OM-D E-M5 iii camera and it doesn't support using Olympus workspace to save settings that you can reload following a firmware update.

To at that end I created a spread sheet to c capture my settings. This is Google sheets format.

Exposure Compensation

Why? I've decided to use manual mode. Many will say that the go to setting is to use Aperture mode. Ok seemingly a good idea but you give up control of shutter speed. This may result in motion blur. Maybe for artistic reasons you want motion blur but not as a side effect. 

Ok use Shutter speed but give up depth of field. Why do you want that side effect? A Nikon eBook    says "Although it is possible to use the exposure compensation feature in the manual mode, it is more practical to use it with the P, S, or A modes because the camera will make the exposure adjustment automatically. In the manual mode, it is much easier to simply shift the aperture or shutter speed by the desired amount directly if you wish to deviate from the metered exposure."

Yes exposure composition may help but I ask why? Use Manual mode and do exposure composition by changing Shutter speed or Aperture. My camera is set so that 1 click is the Shutter speed or Aperture dials is a 1/3 stop change of exposure. 3 clicks = 1 stop.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Google Photos

Several years ago at an FMCA rally at Syracuse I was introduced to Google Photos. Prior to that I had used Picasa, a Google program. I was disappointed when Google removed it. 

Now I use it on my phone and me wife in her phone and iPad. It is useful in editing, organization, search and creating albums.

You may find this youtube channel useful