Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Mechanical and Electronic Shutters

 I posted a photo of a Hummingbird and included the meta data. I showed a shutter speed of 1/12800 seconds. I was questioned that I had that high a shutter speed. I mentioned that I was using electronic shutter. I thought that a mirrorless would be able to allow very high shutter speeds. I was told that their mirrorless was limited to 1/8000 sec.

That confused me that so off to Google to get some results.

"Distortion (also called rolling shutter effect) happens because the camera isn’t able to “scan” the sensor quick enough when fast movements are involved."

Basically the electronic shutter is limited to the camera sensor read time. Some manufactures mirrorless  sensors exhibit  what is called "rolling shutter". This is where image is skewed, weird. Some reviewers warn about the problem using electronic shutter. Like many things you read you may need to dig a little deeper.

One article, Canon, shows the issues, rolling shutter, in their camera. Another states that Olympus OM-D E-M1 ii and a couple others state that there is little to no rolling shutter.

As you consider purchasing a new Mirrorless camera consider the rolling shutter on your specific brand and model. Not all Mirrorless are equal.

In a follow up post another poster mentioned they could not get the Hummingbird wings that sharp. Of course my comment was raise your shutter speed. Easy to say but knowing the posters camera I went searching again. It turns out that their mirrorless is limited to 1/4000s even with the electronic shutter. Wow, many mechanical shutters are limited to 1/8000s. 

The articles are here, CanonOmsystems/Olympus, Sony and Lumix

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

How Do I Cull +-1200 Photos?

You might wonder why I have 1200 photos in a Mornings shooting? My Olympus OM-D E-M5 iii has a feature called Pro-capture. In normal use the Pro-capture buffer is cleared when the half press is released. No excess photos are written to the SD card.

So why did I take 1200 images? PBCCO error. Problem Between Chair and Camera Operator. I didn't understand the function.
I thought I had to tap the Half Way button and lock it then tap the shutter, casmera icon, to start the half press. Then tap the camera icon to the it.

So wrong. When the camera is set to a pro-capture mode tapping the Half Way tea l starts the Half Way mode. When Half Way is pressed again the buffet is cleared. If I pressed the shutter release the buffer is written along with the images, to the configured max images, to the SD card. 

I have my camera set to 14 preframes and a total of 50 frames.

Culling? In Lightroom Classic I pressed the Caps Locks.  Then used the x and u keys to reject, X, or unmark, U them. I rejected all with no bird, and other junk image. I then erased them. I then went through the remaining using the U and P, pick flag. My picks were those with a bit in flight. Then I went there the Picked ones and assigned stars, 4 and 5, that I would edit in the Develop module. The ones i choose to publish were given 5 Sears and a green Label 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Social Media Posts

There are a number of social media outlets. I use Facebook and Instagram which are rife with advertising. So since they are so large I don't think I can drop them.

So I found this, Vero, no ads, no algorithms.  It seems ok. YMMV

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Port extension problems

 Over the  years I have had problems with external hard drives that I have added to my laptop using port extenders, also called dongles.

Basically the issue is power. An expensive dongle/extender uses power only from the USB port you attach it to. When you add power hungry devices like spinning external hard drives you may have problems with the drive dropping out or corrupting your files. I have had that problem for a couple of years. I thought it was cheap or faulty external drives. 

Wrong. Get a powered dongle/extender. I actually have one back in a drawer but haven't used it since I need 115v adapter and cable. Duhh.

How did I come to this knowledge? I watched this from Rocky Mountain Photography School.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

What Shutter Speed?

It depends on the scene you want to capture.
To slow and you have blur? Maybe you want that.
Use a high shutter speed to freeze motion. What is high? 1/2000sec?

The thing is there is no one answer. You the photographer need to figure it out.

A shutter speed of 1/2000 sec didn't get the job done to freeze motion in this photo.