Some some say that they have problems getting a sharp photo and ask why?
There are several factors, as the article below will discuss 13.
But to me it boils to SHUTTER SPEED being to slow.
In this discussion I'm talking about Hand Held photography.
Many folks swear that the best camera mode is Aperture Priority. Also many have read or heard that to eliminate the chance of Camera Shake is that the shutter speed should be at a minimum of 1/(focal length). So when you are using a 18-200mm zoom lens that suggests 1/18 to 1/200 sec. Yes that's the guide, some might say rule. BUT, there is alway a but, the guides are all about Full Frame, FF, cameras. So your favorite Nikon D7200 has a crop factor of 1.5 so your effective aperture is 27-300mm. So 1/27-1/300 seconds. That's a minimum shutter speed. Me I'd double it.
Back to Aperture Priority. At a fixed ISO, even when you are using Auto ISO, your camera adjust the Aperture first before it reaches the Auto ISO settings. That means your full zoom lens, which the guide suggests 1/300s may be much less at your chosen Aperture. The result is a potentially blurry photo.
Ok, I'll use Shutter Priority that way I can control the Shutter Speed. That may work But you don't have control of your Aperture. That may or not be what you need for your subject. Once your Camera opened the Aperture all the way the only thing to increase the exposure is raise the ISO.
What to do? It all depends on what you want to accomplish with your photo.
Me? I frequently use the dreaded big M. But it's not that big a deal because I use a Semi Manual called Auto ISO, my secret sauce. I set the Shutter Speed and Aperture for the scene and let the ISO float to get the proper exposure. Frequently used for BIF. BUT , we keep coming to tha BUT, that not for all situtations like Low light, long exposure, and many more.
This article, from Fstoppers, will explain 13 reasons you may get blurry photos.
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