With anything in photography Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV. You may differ with me and that's OK. It's all about getting the shot.
I must say in 2015 I learned BBAF in a camera club in AZ. Used it and then discarded it. A few years later I rediscovered it and it has been my primary focus mode.
BBAF - https://youtu.be/5fjwZ7HYtbs
Once I decided that noise was something I could tolerate I primarily use BBAF + Auto ISO .
Manual with Auto ISO - https://youtu.be/UPZPv3Z5t_o
My blog post Auto ISO
My Blog post Why I Stopped Worring About Hi ISO
As with most things there is No Absolutes. My starting point is BBAF+Auto ISO and Manual Mode. Aperture and Shutter speed are to meet the scene or objectives of the photo session.