Tuesday, July 11, 2023

BBAF and Auto ISO, My Secret Sauce

 With anything in photography Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV. You may differ with me and that's OK. It's all about getting the shot.

I must say in 2015 I learned BBAF in a camera club in AZ. Used it and then discarded it. A few years later I rediscovered it and it has been my primary focus mode.

BBAF - https://youtu.be/5fjwZ7HYtbs

Once I decided that noise was something I could tolerate I primarily use BBAF + Auto ISO .

Manual with Auto ISO - https://youtu.be/UPZPv3Z5t_o

My blog post Auto ISO 

1 comment:

  1. As with most things there is No Absolutes. My starting point is BBAF+Auto ISO and Manual Mode. Aperture and Shutter speed are to meet the scene or objectives of the photo session.
