Saturday, August 1, 2020

Why I Stopped Worrying About Hi ISO Updated 9/9/2023

I had be accused of being to technical most just want to get a good photo. But a photo is a combination of both the technical and artistic. You don't get  a great photo by disregarding one or the other. 

So put on your big boy or girl pants and read the links below.

Yes, low ISO results in a better image. No argument with that.

But you, well me, want to get the shot. In focus, no unintentional blur. Get the shot! 

There are many post processing programs that can reduce "noise/grain ..." and they are improving.

In an Olympus FB post I wrote, "Larry Kurfis IMHO, regards to ISO, the print is the proof not the pixel peepers. Who looks at fine oil paintings with their nose on the painting? I agree low ISO is best but don't sweat it."

In a shot, composition, shutter speed, aperture are much more than high ISO.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Edit: some bit of a vindication

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