Sunday, August 9, 2020

Photographers worry to much

Yes we and more importantly the pundents and "pro's" worry. They worry about ISO. We should but not that much. JPG vs RAW  but it doesn't really matter. We worry about sensor size, but should we? We worry about which camera or lens is better but should we? 

But really those worries really don't matter that much. Yes it's my opinion but it's the exposure, focus, framing the image. What's included but often what's not included is more important.

Get the exposure as correct you can in the image. It's the image that is what's important. And the distance the image will be viewed. 

Yes low ISO, lens, sensor size,  FF have their place but it's the focus, exposure, framing that make the image.

I have left out motion blur because that can be an artistic choice.

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