Sunday, August 16, 2020

Pixel Peeping and Image Qualify

Which camera, FF, crop sensor, M43, cell/tablet, which lens, what ISO, ...

To me, get the shot is most important. Yeah I read a lot and even understand some of it.

The net of a recent article is,

"A great camera can recover from situations that lesser cameras can’t, while a convenient camera that’s “good enough” can capture shots you would have missed. Pixel peeping is worthwhile, up to a point, but can rapidly become an expensive game with few winners. Finally, the answer is simple: make your clients happy, because a great image you can’t deliver, or that nobody else ever sees, has little value." 


"Of course a good photo has to be well exposed and in focus; but among the many things we can learn from even a casual examination of the history of photography, is the fact that some of the greatest photographs ever recorded are hardly perfect according to any technical metric. If you can create a photo that boasts a pleasing (or intriguing) composition, is beautifully lit, features an interesting subject and evokes a particular thought or emotion in the viewer is, then you’ve done something worthwhile. And you don’t need to pixel peep to validate that — the people who see your photo will do it for you."


"Let’s face it
If we were to walk up close to a famous painting in a museum and study it pixel by pixel, you’d find irregularities in the brush strokes, problems with color and skewed lines. So why do we do it with photographs? Similar to paintings in a museum, photographs are meant to be viewed as a whole, and from a certain distance. Hence I have learned to never go beyond a 50 percent crop when judging the sharpness of photos on my monitor."

UPDATE: How large can you print on your MFT camera? I've often wondered how big. The answer 3 to 4 for wide. No I didn't try it. I watched this video

The big take away is if your photos are on the web resolution isn't that big a deal. That said extreme crop will rears it resolution head. 

Print to see where the rubber meta the road.

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