Saturday, September 30, 2023

The more I read and view

The rules of composition, thirds, spiral, lines, triangles and such make sense.

But does a photo look good? I don't think I new the "rules" but things often looked right, felt right.

Many of my photos from 2008 thru now didn't follow the composition guides but the elements, the Why, that MattK call's it, are there. 
I knew why I had my wife and dog say on the sunset bench. Yes I didn't follow the "rules" when I took the photo. I liked it. A little, jpg, image post processing and crop made a stronger image.
It just looked right.

I never thought about triangles by I new "get low" and lay in the sand would work.
Is there to much sky? I'll give you that but the lens and sensor aspect ratio are limiting issues if you plan to print it.

That won't make a good photo, I was told. You decide
I like the color, background silhouette. I took the photo.

Only the judges worry about "rules" and you need to if you are submitting for a competition. But I don't plan to enter a photo compotation. Sports activities are compotation's you or your team wins. Photo competition are judgments the "goal line"  is adjusted by the bias of the judge(s). As Joe Edelman says compotation's suck.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Critique these photos

I had watch some Blind Critique by Kelby and thought it might be interesting if we did a critique of photos I found on FB. So I have a few below that we can critique. You should be able to open the link below and there is an area to add your comments.  You have any skin in these photos to be honest in your comments.

So Please give it a try.

Critique these photos 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blind Critique by Scott Kelby

I haven't been watching "The Grid"  because I don't watch the commercials or the other gab. But when I find a Facebook video I can fast forward.

Following are a few and I would like to know if that those that don't use FB can see them.

Please let me know in the comments.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Think Where You Crop

Years ago Randy gave us some guidance on cropping people. I remembered much of it. Like cutting hand at the wrist or other joints and a few things. So rather than bother Randy I asked Bard and following is the question and result.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Lens Filters, Who knew

 I recently saw a milky way photo with foreground lighting that had star bursts on a point light source taken with a Hasselbland f/4.0 21mm. So I asked how do you get star bursts with an f/4.0 aperture? Every thing I've read is use a small aperture like f/11.0 or smaller.

A reply said that the photographer likely used a Star Filter. What? Frequently we hear about UV, CpL, ND, graduated ND  and light pollution filters. So my education is lacking so I asked Bard for help.

Some of there special filters that it, Bard is an it (AI ).

  • Close-up filter to allow allow you to focus closer than your camera. See Hoya
  • Light Pollution filter From PetaPixel to get the detail. and see Hoya.
  • Star Burst to create a star burst say in an aperture of f/4.0 again from Hoya.
  • And more see PetaPixel

From Bard Types of Filters and Special Filters 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Photoshop's Select and Mask Workspace

 I have had had difficult get a making a good selection and refining it to insure it is what I want.

I dug around and found this Adobe information about it's Dedicated Select & Mask Workspace.

I wanted to make a selection so that I  could use Adobe's Generative Fill which was just announced to be in Photoshop. I've been using the beta for maybe a week or so. I created the image 

From this

Yes I need to work on my selection but not to bad.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

WOW This is so ---

 I've been trying Photoshop (beta) Generative Fill. It is amazing what AI can do. Following are 2 images where I used Generative Fill on the first image to create the second image. WOW!

The above photo was sent by a friend of mine I attempted to us Photoshop masking and other tools to remove the branch across the face of the Owl. I gave up because I didn't have the time or perhaps skills to create a reasonable image.

Now bring in Photoshop (beta) which you can get from your Creative Cloud. I used the lasso tool to to mace a loose selection around most of the branch. Clicked Generate and walla, well just wait a few seconds, and you get 3 choices. If you don;t like any of the 3 ask Generate to do it again ad get 3 nnore.
I took the second image of the fiet Generate.  I'm blown away.

5 Tips For Taking Better Photos With Any Mobile Device

I didn't follow my own advice. I read the article and thought my pixel 6a is better s better than ditching the default camera.

Then after going through the the various settings I found the article is 4 years old. In camera years that could be 4 thousand years. My Google Pixel 6a is not that old. I do have another camera app that is included with Lightroom mobile that has a few additional features. 
Following are a few screenshots of the settings on my pixel.

Actually I also use the camera include with Lightroom Mobile. You can download Lightroom Mobile for free but it is not as full featured as those that have a subscription, 

Additionally most allow you to take a RAW file, usually a DNG file. Both are "digital negatives" because they need to be processed, basically "Developed".

i can tell how to reach the settings on my phone but your phone is likely different.

Screenshots from my Lightroom mobile camera.